Top Tips for Maintaining Your Generator

With summer storm season behind us, “the threat of early-season snowfall and winter’s icy grasp is just around the corner,” shared Larry Pelham, Esposito’s Generator Service Manager. “A generator is a sound investment to protect you, your family, and your property in the event of a power outage and is very much like your car, which you’d get serviced before a long road trip. Similarly, it’s advised that you service your generator prior to storm season so that you’re optimally prepared. ”
According to Pelham, “a failed generator always happens at the worst time and can lead to tremendous loss of property and security.” When a generator fails, he said, “cherished keepsakes, wine collections, and food are just some of the items that can be lost, not to mention any structural damage resulting from flooded basements and ruptured water pipes, which can further lead to damaged, wet walls and mold. Security cameras and alarms will only operate for so long on battery backup, so a regular maintenance regime and scheduled maintenance from Esposito’s Generator Solutions can help avoid the inconvenience and heartache of a failed generator.”
Following are some of Pelham’s best tips to help ensure that your generator is running smoothly when you need it most:
- With the leaves beginning to fall, be sure to keep your generator’s end louvers and rear vent ;free from obstructions. Proper airflow is very important to keep the engine cool.
- Be sure to maintain your generator’s proper oil viscosity and level, especially during an extended outage. Every manufacturer has different maintenance intervals and oil grade requirements; for added security, keep an extra quart of oil on hand for topping off the engine during long outages.
- The engine-starting battery is under constant charge so that it’s strong enough to start your generator when you need it most, but that constant charging shortens the life of the battery, so it should be changed every 2-3 years for increased generator dependability.
- Generac generators have a convenience light on the ride-side breaker panel door to alert you of the status of the generator – ‘green’ means the unit is ready to run, ‘yellow’ means the unit will run but is in need of service, and ‘red’ means the unit failed to start and is unable to run when needed. Any color other than green is a signal to call Esposito’s service department to schedule a service appointment.
- A cold weather kit will help ensure that your generator starts in even the harshest conditions.
- If you want to confirm that your generator is continuing to protect your home while you’re traveling, Esposito’s offers several remote monitoring options to meet your needs, including its custom monitoring program, through which Esposito’s will respond to any issues that may arise with your generator.
For more information on Esposito’s generator monitoring programs and cold weather kits, or if you have questions or want to schedule a service appointment, call us at (973) 366-9902. Esposito’s certified, factory-trained technicians are available for emergencies 24/7/365 and can meet all of your generator maintenance and repair needs.